Monday, January 5, 2009

2 Minute Scoop-January 5, 2009

This week’s scoop-

This week brought in a new year, and with it thoughts of hope, change, and Oprah? That’s right, the talk show queen decided to start the year off by openly talking about her public struggle with weight. Ms. Winfrey decided to tease audiences with the “heavy” details weeks ago with short trailers for her first show of the year. The marketing genius of Oprah was seen when she decided to feature her self-described “fat” picture next to a skinny one from three years ago on the cover of her O magazine. Her loyal following is sure to feel even more connected to her after this series of open talks. Die-hard fans are reportedly wearing homemade T-shirts in support, with slogans like “Got Fat Oprah?”, “Oprah IS the big O”, and “Fat Oprah is one of our favorite things”.

Oprah Winfrey has been one of the biggest supporters of President-Elect Barack Obama. Mr. Obama and his family left Oprah’s home city of Chicago this week, and headed for Washington. The Obamas made the transition to D.C. well before the inauguration, to allow their two girls to start school after the winter break. D.C. residents were excited to see the Obamas come to town and said they feel more connected to the President-Elect now that he is there. Die-hard supporters are reportedly wearing homemade T-shirts in support, with slogans like “Got Obama?”, “Obama IS the big O (well except for Oprah Winfrey)”, and “President Obama is one of Oprah’s favorite things”.

Moving to Washington will not totally distance President-Elect Obama from on-going political scandals. In fact, this week Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Commerce, Bill Richardson, withdrew his name due to questions about campaign donations. The Governor of Obama’s home state of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, made headlines again this week by appointing Roland Burris to fill the US Senate seat made vacant by Barack Obama. Blagojevich made the appointment despite being charged with trying to sell the seat at the end of last year. Illinois residents felt confused by the nomination. Die-hard critics are reportedly wearing homemade T-shirts in opposition, with slogans like “Got Money? (it could buy you a Senate seat)”, “Blagojevich is the big Oh No You Didn’t”, and “Blago is not one of Oprah’s favorite things”.

Finally, in more unusual news a small town in central Maine is considering a business permit request for a topless coffee shop. The new titillating venue would be in a former one story hotel that has been home to several failed restraints and bars over the years. Residents have mixed feelings about the business with many concerned about the crowd the coffee shop would bring in. Die-hard supporters are reportedly wearing homemade T-shirts in support of the business with slogans like “Got Milk?”, “Come here for the big O’s”, and “Boobies are our favorite things”.

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